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Short Bio


I am a Machine Learning Engineer (MEng), currently working in the field of Signal Processing and applied AI.
I graduated in 2019 at the University of Padua (Italy) in Telecommunications Engineering, focusing my studies in DSP and Machine Learning  with a particular interest in the applications of these subjects in Telemedicine and eHealth. I have several years of programming experience in the academic and not academic context, with a record of successful and innovative projects in the research scope. During my academic path, I collaborated with important companies and institutions in the Health-tech field as for example the Laboratory of Movement Analysis at EPFL, Lausanne, or the laboratory of Brain Computer Interface, University of Tübingen
At this moment, I am working as a Sensor Fusion Engineer in Cambridge, UK, for FocalPoint Positioning, a cutting-edge startup in the field of navigation systems and tracking technologies. I am part of the Machine Learning team. 

I am absolutely a curious person, hardworking when required. Other passions include sport (a lot) and playing with my saxophone. In my spare time I love to read about philosophy. Does philosophy matter with engineering? Science helps me in finding the right answers to the problems, philosophy helps me in understanding which problems are worth to be asked. 



 "All of our technology is completely unnecessary to a happy life". These words are the title of an article written by Tom Hodgkinson, a contemporary English writer. Was he wrong? I don't think so. Over the last few decades, many technological advancements have not really improved our well-being. This is the main reason why I chose to address my work towards a kind of progress which can bring a real benefit to the world. Working in Health-tech field is how I decided to put in practice this conviction. In other words: exploiting my knowledge and my skills for the direct improvement of my and someone else's life.

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